Monkey Business

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Biggest Learner!

So, school is back in session for most of my kiddos. I say most because my oldest little monkey had a last minute change in school. Finding the right school placement for him has always been a challenge. Luckily, I have been blessed to live in a state that offers great funding opportunities for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. This will be our second year of "homeschooling" my son. Homeschooling a child with autism is a completely different game than homeschooling a typical child.

In a few weeks, I'm back to hitting the books myself. Since I lost my job about a year ago, my kids have grown accustomed to seeing me in blue jeans and t-shirts instead of heels and suits. They love having me home when they are finished with school, but they have learned to steer clear of mommy while she is glued to the computer or buried in a textbook.

This quarter is crucial for me. Out of over 150 applicants, I was chosen as one of 8 participants in the school's reality series, "The Biggest Learner". Much like the show, the "biggest loser", there are 2 teams and they are trying to get the highest GPA. Each student from the winning team gets $1,000 scholarship! Wish me luck!

Needless to say, it may be quiet around here at the end of the month. That doesn't mean I don't love all my fans. Stay tuned for some goodies....

Monday, September 5, 2011

As if I don't have enough to do...

As if I don't have enough to do, I thought I would add a few more items to my to-do list. This is actually an exercise in becoming organized and lifting up  my spirits a bit. As many of you know, I am a student and a mom to 4 beautiful children and 4 awesome step - kiddos (to be). This week marks the end of my summer quarter and one full year of school! Woo Hoo! I'm super excited about having one year of school under my belt. One(ish) more year to go and I will finally have my associates degree. This is huge considering all the adversity and challenges I have faced from the first time I stepped foot in a college classroom fresh out of high school. When I say fresh, I mean I had just graduate high school a couple of weeks before jumping into college. (And I won't tell you what year that was...)

Over the past few months, I have been making props for photographers and filling orders (slowly) for customers, and every time I sit down with my hooks and yarn, my girls ask me, "are you making a hat for me"? So when Scotti from the Inner Hooker shop posted on her Facebook page a crochet along, I figured it was an excellent opportunity to start on some goodies for my girls while keeping me on track! Well, at least one of them will have something special.

Another little project, is to highlight fellow crafters and mommy-preneurs (and a few dads too) that have been inspirational to 8 Little Monkeys. A few months ago I highlighted Crochet My Love Designs,  (I love reading that post!), and I think it's time that I spread the love to all the folks I have met on this journey. I am surrounded by some wonderful folks who have great talent. Through their work and their words, they have kept me going. I hope that you will all join me as I celebrate other talented artists and parents.

Many of you know, that I am the mother of two children with Autism. The past few months have been a bit of a challenge for our family for a number of reasons. I will be sharing more about my journey, struggles and triumphs with autism in some future posts as well.

 There are a few more things "cooking" that I will share once things develop!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Back to School Shopping

Copyright My Fitting Room

Here's a quick & short post for today. When I'm shopping for my little monkeys, I have such a hard time "eye balling" what size they wear. Don't even get me started on shoes....Just in time for back to school, I found this great website called My Fitting Room. How awesome to have your child's measurements at your fingertips when you see that great deal and they are at home/school/camp. Best of all it's free!

This is a great tool for clothing designers and crocheters. Folks can send their child's measurements to you through this website too!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

What can I do with $5??

How many times have you been at the store and say, "What's the big deal? It's just $5, I'll buy it." How many times have you been purging your closet and said, "It was just a $5 shirt. I don't need it anyhow", and that shirt ends up in the donation bag. How often do you tell your kids, I'm not replacing that toy. It was just $5. Imagine if you added up all the times that you think, "it's just $5", and think how much that adds up to?

For me, I love going to Starbucks or Cup O Joe. Luckily, I live a about 1/10th of a mile from both places. Every evening, my wonderful fiancee was treating me to a yummy treat from one of these places. A few months ago, I cut out my evening treat, and I saw how much further we could stretch our budget. (Not to say that I've struck gold by cutting out my Starbucks habit, but it is somewhat helpful on the pocketbook.)

I also realized that I should put my treasure where my heart is, and that is in helping others. With 8 little monkeys to tend to, donating time is difficult, but donating treasure can help others as well. Like I said, I'm totally not rich. I found this great opportunity to donate a little bit of what I do have through contacting a family friend.  He started a great mission called The Five Dollar Blessing.

"The Five Dollar Blessing is simply a group of caring people who desire to consolodate our small gifts and words of encouragement to someone in need. Everyone in the group will be made aware of the story of a deserving recipient and will only be asked to send a five dollar blessing ONCE EACH MONTH. Individually, we cannot do much, but collectively we can be a great blessing to someone in need"

Follow this group on Facebook to learn more.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Featured Artist

When I was 10 years old, I picked up my first crochet hooks. My mom wanted me to learn, so she sent me over to a friends house to learn. My older sister and I had a few lessons, then I don't know what happened, but we didn't continue. Last year, I was cleaning out a closet and I re-discovered my hooks and yarn. After strolling through Etsy - land, I found patterns by Crochet My Love Designs and I've been "hooked" ever since (pun intended). 

Today, I probably own most of the patterns that are listed in Crochet My Love's Etsy Shop. My favorite so far has been her Undersea Mermaid Set


I am inspired regularly by Crochet My Love, so I thought I'd share with you all a little bit about this wonderful artist. Below is my "interview"...
Tell the world a little bit about Crochet My Love Designs?

My goal with Crochet My Love Designs is to try to create trendy crochet patterns that are as different from other designs as possible. I look at the world around me and think "how can I crochet that". There is absolutely nothing more satisfying than seeing other people create beautiful projects from  my patterns.      

What was your motivation in starting Crochet My Love? How did it come to life?

I have crocheted my entire life, and when I discovered etsy it was a dream come true. I couldn't believe all of these talented people were making  a living doing what they love. I threw myself into it entirely and I am very blessed with a talented group of photographers to bring my products to life.

When you aren't making beautiful creations for the world, what are you doing?  

I spend my time with my 20 month old son.....who has a severe attitude and is entering the terrible two's AHHH!!!! I also like to think I may someday organize my craft room.

Quote/motto you live by: 

"911 , What address is your emergency" LOL just kidding, boy i spend too much time at my "real" job and hope to quit some day.

What is one of your guilty pleasures (not necessarily crafting related)? 

ooh dear, I love love love reality tv and docu- dramas. I am definitely curled up with a crochet hook watching 16 and pregnant week after week LOL. Oh, I am also desperately in love with Gerard Butler, so if any one knows him..... tee hee :)

Lip gloss, cell phone & gum - I can't leave home without it! What's yours (not necessarily crafting related)?

hmmm, I have to have my cell phone, I also have a crochet hook on a key chain... just in case

What/who inspires your designs? 

I actually look through my son's books and toys, animals, childrens clothing. Certain yarns are so amazing, sometimes I just wing it.

Can't craft without it...what is your favorite crafting item/product? 

A 5.50 mm crochet hook. I refuse to use anything else

When did you start crafting?

I taught myself how to crochet from a 1970's crochet book when I was 11 years old. I am talking hideous granny square vest patterns... bleh just aweful

What was your first project/item for sale?

It was actually my Chocolate Cherry Washcloth pattern which i still sell today

What has been your favorite thing about being an Etsy shop owner? 

The community of women with the same goal as myself. I have definitely made life long friends from this experience. In real life, My friends make fun of me for doing an "old lady" craft, but my internet friends get it.

If you were a fruit, what fruit would you be? Why?

umm i hate fruit, the texture totally grosses me out. Can i be an Avocado?

What is the most unique thing about your creative process?
The fact that I can crochet anything. I have no idea where the ability came from. One of my photographers asked for a mermaid tail and I just sat down and did it. I don't even visualize my projects first. I let my hands do the work and try to leave my brain out of it. My best projects have been accidents!

Any words of wisdom you want to share with other mommy crafters? 

YOU CAN DO IT! If your goal is make this a job so you can be at home with the kids, or just something fun to do, be passionate and motivated and it will come to life.  I think about crochet 24 hours a day  (as sick as that sounds) I am always planning my next idea, thinking of colors, surfing the net for inspiration, crocheting til 2 am even if i have to get up with the baby at 8 am. Its hard work, but worth the rewards.

Are you inspired?? Visit Crochet My Love on Etsy!

Until soon....
Meredith & the 8 Little Monkeys

    Free Pattern Friday - Amigurumi Robot

    Here's another wonderful project I thought I would share with all you wonderful crafters. This is a super cute Amigurumi Robot designed by Allison Hoffman for Caron. I love this pattern because patterns that are for boys and girls are SO hard to find. The girls get all the cute stuff, but what about our precious little boys. They deserve fun & cute stuff too!


    Friday, July 8, 2011

    Free Pattern Friday - Pillow Pal

    All the rage with my little monkeys last Christmas was Pillow Pets. Holy cow! Do you know how hard it is to find a different Pillow Pet for each kiddo? Not to mention, my girls wanted the same one. Luckily, thanks to daddy monkey's patience and great eye for shopping, he was able to find the girls unicorn pillow pals in their favorite colors. Talk about one relieved momma monkey!

    Wouldn't you know it, Red Heart yarns has a pattern for a Sock Monkey Pillow Pal! It would have been fantastic if I would have found this last year, but I'm happy to work on it this year.

    Check out the link below for the pattern.
    Sock Monkey Pillow Pal


    Monday, July 4, 2011

    Christmas In July

    A lot of shops and local businesses like to advertise Christmas in July sales. You can get a head start on your holiday shopping with the fabulous discounts and offers. However, many forget that the meaning of Christmas is not just nicely wrapped goodies, but the spirit of giving to others in need and celebrating the birth of Christ.

    In the spirit of Christmas in July, I'm going to feature a charity where crafters can share the gift of their talent with others. This week, I am going to feature Scarves for Special Olympics.

    The purpose - "Handmade scarves donated as a result of the 2012 Special Olympics USA Scarf Project will be a symbol of unity, support, compassion and empowerment, as the Special Olympics athletes, coaches, families, volunteers and supporters wear them with pride in knowing they have become part of the Special Olympics family. "

    Scarves for Special Olympics is near and dear to my heart. As many of you know, two of my little monkeys have been diagnosed with Autism. This upcoming year, they will be participating in our local Special Olympics chapter. I am so excited that they will be able to participate in sports events with others with physical and mental challenges. We are so blessed to have organizations like Special Olympics that give folks who otherwise would not have a chance, an opportunity to participate in athletic programs.

    To learn more about the program, visit Red Heart yarns at the link below:
    Scarves for Special Olympics

    Follow other knitters and crocheters participating in this project on Facebook at the link below:
    Scarves for Special Olympics - Facebook

    Happy Crocheting & Crafting!

    Friday, July 1, 2011

    Free Pattern Friday!

    Hi Friends!

    Life on this end has been super crazy! School for myself, preparing special needs plans (summer programs and school year) for my little monkeys with autism, and graduation for our oldest monkey has been keeping us on our toes. Things should be slowing down for the 8 Little Monkeys and I so I'll be able to update a little more frequently.

    With the holiday weekend coming up, I'm sure many of you will be busy soaking up the sun and celebrating our wonderful nation's independence! Thank goodness for all the men and women who have made so many sacrifices to defend and protect us so that we have the freedoms that we enjoy today!

    Speaking of freedom, our youngest little monkey, Audrey, has LOVED prancing around the house when watching one of my favorite shows, So You Think You Can Dance. Watching her reminds me so much of myself when I was a little. You know, a time when something you love gives you the freedom to do, say, and be whoever you want to be! Audrey is only 4, but man, that girl has some raw talent! (ok, so I'm a little biased) I wanted to give Audrey the gift of freedom that my family gave me - so I enrolled her in dance classes. She starts in a few weeks and I think I'm more excited than her. Aah, the joys of motherhood - getting to live vicariously through your kiddos.

    In preparation for dance class, we have been discussing what ballerinas wear to class and how they fix their hair. As a surprise for Audrey's first day of ballet, I plan on giving her a special ballerina hair piece. I have to admit, a bun might be a struggle, so we have to do something special to encourage her. While searching for a cute bun cover, I came across this wonderful pattern by Teresa Richardson aka Crochet Geek.

    Those of you who might have some quiet time inside, or maybe celebrating the freedom to crochet whenever and wherever you like you might try this out. I hope you all enjoy!

    Wishing you all a safe & happy holiday!

    Monday, April 18, 2011

    Autism Moms Rock - "We make Autism look good!"

    Autism File Magazine & Autism Hope Alliance will be producing a calendar for 2012 representing moms around the country (and world). I called up a few of my fellow Autism mommies and we joined together for a good time. After a few hours of hair by Heather at Clip-It's Salon, make up by Erin Kelly, snacks, and networking Jillian of Jillian Renee Photography was able to do her magic and capture some beautiful shots of us. All in all, yesterday was a great day!

    Check out 8 Little Monkeys on facebook or Jillian Renee Photography on facebook for a sneak peak of what we did yesterday! As one of my fellow "autism moms" said, "We make Autism look good!"

    Want to look as cool as we did? Want to support OCALI, a great autism organization? Hop on over to 8 Little Monkeys on Etsy to order your t-shirt! Available in youth sizes as well as men's crew neck and women's v-necks!! 

    Tuesday, April 12, 2011

    Just In Time for Autism Awareness Month!

    Thanks to Kevin over at Blu Dot Design Group for his amazing patience, 8 Little Monkeys is proud and excited to unveil a special item. Check out this special t-shirt at our shop. A portion of the proceeds will benefit OCALI, Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence, a local Autism organization that "serves families, educators, and professionals working with students with autism and low-incidence disabilities, including autism spectrum disorders, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairments, other health impairments, and traumatic brain injuries."

    For those of you who don't know me, I am the mother of 4 beautiful children and step mother "to be" of 4 children. Two of my children have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders. OCALI has been instrumental in my children's developmental success. Our family moved from Texas to Ohio to access services and resources that would be beneficial for the kids' development. Thanks to the resources provided by OCALI,  this transition was a little easier for us. We have been able to access a wonderful lending library full of DVDs, books and much more. My family has also had the pleasure of attending one of the annual conferences that OCALI hosts.

    OCALI offers so many programs and opportunities to help families facing challenges achieve maximum potential. Buying a shirt from 8 Little Monkeys is a small way to give back to a great organization while showing your support for this epidemic!

    Wednesday, April 6, 2011

    Mommies need some cute stuff too...

    I wanted to make sure that mommies had something cute to shop for in my store too.

    The "fall" version of this scarf is listed on Etsy right now. Like the scarf but looking for a something more in season? No worries, I'm working on some Spring colors & solids to enhance your Easter Sunday best.

    Again, big big big thanks to Jillian Renee Photography for the amazing pictures!!!

    Much love & happy shopping!
    8 Little Monkeys

    Generosity &Freebies

    In this journey through Etsy, I have had the pleasure of working with Erin Bradley Designs. Not only is Erin super talented & easy to work with, but she is also very generous. During our business conversations, I gave Erin a little bit of info about the start of my Etsy shop as an endeavor to help my family who struggles with the challenges of Autism. Erin was kind enough to make a donation to further research and treatment efforts for individuals affected by autism.

    Additionally, if you check out Erin's blog, she gives her followers freebies. Below is a link to her adorable Easter freebies. Perfect for stickers, cupcake toppers, or tags.

    I think I'm going to print some for the Easter Bunny to fill my 8 little monkeys' baskets.

    Much love & happy shopping!

    Tuesday, April 5, 2011

    Just a little teaser...

    Thanks to Jillian Renee Photography you're getting a sneak peak at a few things coming to Etsy soon. Stay tuned friends. See something you like, but want a different color? Let me know and I'll stitch it up just for you!

    Win Win Win - Situation

     We've all heard of a win - win situation, what about a Win - Win - Win situation??

    Yesterday, Jillian Renee Photography posted on my Facebook page,

    Since I'm all about paying it forward, I thought I would do something nice as well. Book  your newborn session with Jillian Renee Photography and get a free hat or headband from 8 Little Monkeys!

    Hurry up! Book with Jillian and get a hat (or headband).

    We all end up winning in the end!

    Monday, April 4, 2011

    So How Do I Look?

    Here it is...the new & improved blog for 8 Little Monkeys! Thanks to Erin Bradley Designs for helping my little shop and blog look beautiful! If you're in the market for designs for a business card, blog, web banner or other graphic art needs, check her out. Super nice vendor and super prompt!

    More to come soon. I just couldn't wait to show off my blog make over!

    Sneak Peak....

    Here's a little teaser of what's to come to 8 Litlle Monkey's shop. This is the tiny baby girl version shown here. Thanks to my talented fellow Etsy-er, RAKJ Patterns, for the pattern for this piece.

    Do you like what you see here? Please email me or convo me if you are interested in a different size or color!

    Logos, postings, social media...oh my!!!

    After months of research & preparation, I'm finally here....Grand Opening Week!!! I want to give all my friends, family and new business partners a big thank you <<<cyber hug>>> for all your help and support in bringing 8 Little Monkeys to Etsy!

    Please visit me at  to see what crochet, scrap booking creations I have. You may see a few little goodies in my de-stashing area as well. Take advantage of my "grand opening special". Prices are REALLY low right now, but they won't be like that for long....

    Happy Shopping & Many Thanks-