Monkey Business

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Helping The Carr Family

A few years ago, I had the pleasure of meeting a darling gal named Ashley through work. I remember early on in her pregnancy, she was given the news that her child would be born with one limb shorter than the other.  I didn't think much of it because Ashley was always so graceful, and happy at work. Little by little, her son's story began to unfold and I realized the severity of her son's condition. 

Her son was diagnosed with Proximal Femoral Focal Deficiency (PFFD) is a rare, non-hereditary birth defect & Ulnar Dysplasia. The conditions will require numerous trips out of state for surgeries, a variety of treatments and medical equipment. 

Here is where you come in.....

I am offering a sale on the ruffle scarves that I have been making. A portion of the proceeds will go to the Carr Family to help fund their growing medical expenses. 

Photography by Kieley Cameron

If you prefer to donate to the family directly, visit their blog Hayden's Story and click on the donate button!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

How's 2013 Treating You?

Howdy fans and friends!

I wanted to reach out to you all and wish you a happy 2013! Yes, I know I am a little late, but it's for a good reason. 2013 is going to be a great year for the 8 Little Monkeys (both at home and in the shop)!

Daddy monkey is back in school and acing all his classes. I am so very proud of his accomplishments. He is not only a 4.0 student, but he manages to keep our house organized. What a gift it is to come home to a hot meal on the table, laundry nicely folded, homework folders signed/checked/etc.!

Our second oldest monkey is a senior in high school this year. Where has the time gone? It may sound cliche, but it seems like yesterday, he was just in elementary school and I was meeting him for the first time. The next few months are going to be full of graduation planning, college planning, SAT, ACT and just more planning!

One of our little monkeys went back to school this year after being homeschooled for 3 years! It has been a transition for us all. We are so proud of how much this little guy has achieved in 6th grade. Autism does not slow down what he can do!

The youngest little monkey is turning 6 in just a few weeks. It doesn't even seem real to me. I love watching what she does and how much she grows everyday, but I wish I could keep her little still (although she will always be my baby). The age of 6 is no longer baby/preschooler age. Recently, daddy monkey and I were planning our little monkey's birthday party. We realized that this is it. After her, there are no more babies in the house. We are celebrating every moment of every day with her.

So basically, between graduations, IEP meetings, birthdays and coping with empty nest(ish) feelings our house hold has been busy busy!

Now on to 'monkey business'....

In the next few weeks, I have some special things coming up. First and foremost is something 8 Little Monkeys is doing for a special family. I am adding new things to the shop and there are a few other surprises in the works.

Whew, that was just a glimpse of what 2013 has in store for us, and the wheels are already spinning....How is 2013 treating you?