Monkey Business

Monday, November 12, 2012

Thankful Days

All around Facebook, I have seen that everybody is taking time out during this month to give thanks to those who have blessed our lives. It has been so refreshing to see facebook full of positive posts this month! I am jumping on the bandwagon and giving thanks as well. It is amazing to see how much better you feel and how much better you day goes when you give thanks for the simple blessings in life.

I will be honest, at times, it is challenging to think of what to be thankful for. At times, it is overwhelming to say thank you to just ONE person, because there are so many wonderful people in our lives. Over at The Crafting Chicks blog, they had a great post this month with 'prompts' of who to send thank you notes to.  This may be a good way to start de-stashing those scrapbook papers that have been collecting dust on your shelves, or perhaps try out a few new scrapping techniques. In the age of technology it is so nice to get a handwritten thank you, a nice note or something other than a bill or advertisement in your 'physical' mailbox.

I'd love to hear from you all how the thank yous are going this month!

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